And you?

Right, so I'm living in Korea now. So far I'm liking most things-- the rain, the busy streets, the way a four year old ran up to me on the subway and gave me a lemon donut. The only disappointment thus far has been our apartment, which is about the size of hollowed watermelon.
I'm trying to do some writing about this experience, but it's proven to be pretty difficult. I mean, who wants to hear about someone else's travels? It's so fucking boring. I can't bear to read that kind of writing myself, "Blah, blah, we saw so many AMAZING things and it was, like, totally amazing. And then we saw this poor person on the street and I realized that, like, there is so much suffering in the world. And then I saw a lotus flower... etc. etc." So I'm trying to find someway to write about Korea that doesn't make ME want to fall asleep. And it's really hard. Even though I love living here and many things are, like, totally amazing to me. So, we'll see. Any ideas for a hip book about Korea that the world is dying to read?
Teaching is going well, except that I teach too many classes. I teach a wide range of ages and levels, so I keep busy with planning. So far I really like the youngest kids (about 6?) and the oldest ones (13) but I'm having a harder time bonding with those pesky 10-year-olds, who have lost their cuteness but haven't developed very interesting personalities yet.
Ok, that's it for now. Hope you are both well.