Thursday, September 21, 2006

The thing is...

I need you to start blogging more. I'm in Korea. And honestly, the only person I really enjoy talking to here is the person I married. None of the foreigners I work with are funny or terribly bright or interesting. And the Koreans can't understand anything I'm saying (and vice versa). Oh, and I can't get a phone card to work overseas (I've got three defective ones now), further limiting the amount of witty banter in my life.

SO, even though I hardly ever post (sorry. sorry.), I thought you should both know that I'm addicted to CHECKING the blog and to reading your posts.

Ok. Ok? I'm needy. Help.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

News of Mizoo

Well, iH, our old friend Matt Singer has made the headlines. Apparently he's the state's pre-eminent blogger, with all sorts of connections in the upper echelons of the Dems. Why am I not surprised?

Oh, and send me an email, I somehow only have your old UM address.