and a Happy New Year...
Diptherio and I talked of picking things up again, so here I go.
I am spurred by how useful and entertaining I found the first 14 months of posts when I was reminiscing. I encourage perusal. Only 62 posts (plus comments), but some of them are good.
Actually useful isn't a fitting adjective for our posts. We have yet to post anything very instructive.
Anyway, it'd be good to hear from you again (especially you, Yum, as you have been particularly absent from regular communication channels).
If the posts teach me anything, it's that we do our best work when there is an assignment.
For our first return assignment lets create a how-to in words or pictures or both (it can be technical or abstract). If you don't know what you want to demonstrate, please choose from this short list:
- making and/or eating a sandwich
- answering a knocked door/rung doorbell
- cheating at scrabble
- rubbing your eyes so hard you see stars
- faking out
- overstaying your welcome
- folding a poker hand
These are just suggestions. I'm not even sure I'll choose one of them, but we'll see.
Well, glad to see nobody gives a shit except me. I mean, not even completing your own assignment. FUCKING LAME, dude.
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