something new and untitled from me
Just open, the electric door hangs
offline, fuse-blown, but still
a border unlatched
between this room and the next. No one
invited you to notice, you just
did as if you couldn’t control
yourself, as if the door commanded
a gravity the velocity
of your thoughts could not
escape, were caught by, made
its satellite. But it’s only
a door and that is only
a shadow – the shadow. The
shadow of your neighbor stealing
light from the braided oval
rug, from the dark wooden floor, but
she’s giving some of it back, she’s
wearing a pink blouse and it’s
giving itself to the ceiling
and now the room is
steeped in that hue, or is it her
perfume, no wait
that’s your perfume. It’s your
blouse too and your shadow, the only
one in this room except for the electric
door still choking light
back from that
other room, beyond.
A sound like your footsteps, like
your neighbor’s pert cough, curls out
from the floorboards in a room
older than this but no less finished,
or broken, or useful.
offline, fuse-blown, but still
a border unlatched
between this room and the next. No one
invited you to notice, you just
did as if you couldn’t control
yourself, as if the door commanded
a gravity the velocity
of your thoughts could not
escape, were caught by, made
its satellite. But it’s only
a door and that is only

shadow of your neighbor stealing
light from the braided oval
rug, from the dark wooden floor, but
she’s giving some of it back, she’s
wearing a pink blouse and it’s
giving itself to the ceiling
and now the room is
steeped in that hue, or is it her
perfume, no wait
that’s your perfume. It’s your
blouse too and your shadow, the only
one in this room except for the electric
door still choking light
back from that
other room, beyond.
A sound like your footsteps, like
your neighbor’s pert cough, curls out
from the floorboards in a room
older than this but no less finished,
or broken, or useful.
On first reading I was a little confused. Reading it a few more times helped, but I still get confused with the yous. At first the you seemed like an "I" sort of you, you know what I mean? Where you say "You" instead of "I", even though you're talking about yourself. Then, at "no wait/that's your perfume" the 'you' seems to refer to a different 'you', a third person (besides the 'narrator'and the neighbor). Maybe my problem is that I know you don't wear blouses or perfume (at least not that I know of) so it seems like the 'you' has to be refering to someone else. And then, of course, I'm assuming the 'you' in the begining is an 'I' sort of 'you', which may not be the case. Maybe the 'you' all the way down is the one with the perfume and the blouse, but I didn't get that feeling reading it.
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