for people with time on their hands
I've been reading Daivd Foster Wallace's book "Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity." I can't recommend it, as the book will cause you to stay up nights wondering how, if a second of time can be infinitly divided, you'll ever make it to morning. BUT, I do think we should all post (that is, write) poems about infinity. Who's up for it?
I vote yea (that means "yes" in 'parlimentarian').
yeah, sure.
...which reminds me: did you hear about the linguistics lecture Noam Chomsky was giving at MIT. He was saying how double negatives, such as "I can't not climb this tree", appear in the syntax of most Indo-European languages. However, continued Noam, linguists have never identified a double positive where the juxtaposition of two positives would imply a negative. Just then, a student shouted out from the back of the classroom, "Yeah, right!"
*(rolling on floor laughing my fucking guts out).
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